The Three Dimensions of our Being: Soul, Mind and Body

As many spiritual masters or guides have sustained for many years, every one of us is constituted by three main dimensions: body, mind, and soul.
These three dimensions intersect and influence each other continuously, while modeling the main structure and features of a person. The soul is the innermost part of our Being, the one that animates our body and where all our energies are generated. The mind is the one that allows us to reason, judge, and formulate thoughts and it can be represented as a box inside which our conscious and unconscious memories are stored.
While both soul and some products of the mind, like thoughts and ideas, cannot be materially perceived, the body is our external involucre, which physically defines our shape and appearances. The three parts make us complete Beings. Thanks to science and the progress of medicine, today what we know most about of the three realities, is the materially perceivable one, that is the body.
What do you really know about your body? Is the Body the mirror of our experiences?
Our body, scientifically described also as “organism”, which stands as the main involucre of both our soul and mind, is a complex system, constituted principally by about 37 trillion cells, numerous subsystems, organs, tissues, articulations, and bones. It represents our physical dimension. Through it, we introduce ourselves to the surrounding world and have direct contact with it and other beings.
The body represents our external appearances and can reflect what happens inside of it. On one hand, if your organism is in health and it coexists in harmony with the other two dimensions, such positive equilibrium generates a general wellness condition. In other words, you feel good and healthy, you look good and with the right energy to actively face everyday situations.
Although this represents the ideal condition, in reality, it is difficult to reach and mostly maintain that wellness status, because we are constantly exposed to distractions, troubles, preoccupations, bad thoughts or feelings, illnesses, and stress that punch our stability. Everything that puts people in trouble and spills them out of wellness is reflected firstly and directly on our body. You see it because your body is the mirror of your experiences. If you fall and you’re your knee, you will see the wound or at least the bruise.
Think about a common cold. If you have a cold, you can’t breathe correctly, your nose turns red, your eyes can start crying and your voice assumes a different tone. When you are living a sentimental drama, or you are mentally in a confusing status, bad thoughts and feelings are reflected in your face and gestures.
In more serious cases, if you experience trauma and are not able to react, your organism will resent the complete lack of energy and if not supported by the help of an expert, you can risk incurring also more serious diseases like depression.
Your body reveals on the outside your inside status. As an important indicator, that allows you to understand what’s going on inside you, it should be treated accurately, as an important treasure.
How can we take care of our body daily?
Since the mediating role of our body is fundamental to understand, at least in part, what happens inside of us, we should take care of it in a very accurate way. The question is, HOW?
First of all, the worst enemy of our body, as well as our mind, is stress. In order to cope with stress and prevent it becoming a triggering factor of health diseases, you should start embracing healthier habits:
Hydrate yourself: our body is constituted by about 60% of water and we should keep this percentage alive by drinking at least 2-2,5 liters of water a day.
Follow a Healthy Diet: paying attention to what you consume daily helps you choose foods and nutrients that can boost your energy and contribute to preserve healthy levels of bio-markers and in the long-term to promote your longevity.
If you don’t know where to start, the first thing to do is to get informed on foods with the help of a nutritionist or an expert, since every diet is personalized depending on your body needs and start learning how to read food labels. Food labels are indicative of what kind of ingredients are used in that product as well as of their quality.
The name of the product should reveal the main ingredient inside. How can you check it? Read the ingredients list on the label, and if the first one does not correspond to the title, here you have a problem. For instance, if the first ingredient of hazelnut cream is sugar, and you find hazelnut in the fourth or fifth position, it means that the % of hazelnut, that should be the main ingredient, is less than the quantity of others, mostly sugar.
This is an important indicator of both the product quality and the properties preserved in it. Both if you are healthy or if you have unstable glucose levels, you should avoid such products. Select your foods accurately. Don’t limit to the product name, look at the ingredients and nutritional values and choose healthy foods for your body’s wellness.
- Take time to Rest and Sleep: your body needs at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Except for the weekend, try to go to bed at the same time each evening and set the alarm at the same time in the morning, so that you practically set up the time dedicated to rest.
If you have problems in falling asleep, switch off your electronic devices, drink a herbal infusion before going to bed, try to create a peaceful atmosphere around you, with natural sounds, close your eyes, empty your mind and let your arms perceive the softness of your mattress, you need just to feel your breathe and let you go in such relaxing status.
- Do some physical activity: your body has not been created to stay static, it needs to move and be active. If you are not a fitness person or you don’t like playing sport in general, start with an hour of medium of fast pace walking every day. Find the time in your routine to practice it and then set up smarter goals from time to time to improve your physical activity.
- Avoid the use of chemicals: gels cosmetics or creams, that apparently can give you a better appearance but at the same time can provoke damages to your skin tissue or undesired reactions. Also here, labels are fundamental. Use only natural products for your skin care and in a limited quantity, except if it is prescribed by your health care provider.
These are the basic actions for your body care and wellness that you can easily transform into habits.